Sunday, December 02, 2007

Assignment Confirmation form

Mark M. Hancock
Plano TX 75093


RE: Assignment confirmation

Dear __________,

Confirming our (telephone / e-mail) conversation today, I accept the assignment to photograph __(detailed)__.

"Photojournalist" refers to Mark M. Hancock. "Client" refers to the commissioning party or company named above, its representatives, successors, assigns, agents and affiliates.

The agreed minimum fee for this assignment is $__(XXX)__, which includes payment for __(XXX)__ days or photography (at $__(XXX) __ per day), __(XXX)__ days of travel (at $__(XXX)__ per day) and/or mileage (at $__(IRS rate)__ per mile). This minimum fee is a "guarantee" against the Client's cover and space rates, which are $__(XXX)__ per page, $__(XXX)__ per half page, $__(XXX)__ per quarter page, and $ __(XXX)__ per cover. If your selection and use of images at the prevailing space and cover rates exceeds the minimum fee of $__(XXX)__, then payment shall be made in accordance with the cover and space rates.

Additional days are to be negotiated, and will be compensated at the same rates as those mentioned above. The Client understands that a "day" is any part of a calendar day, whether the nature of the subject requires the Photojournalist to work for 10 minutes or for 10 hours during that calendar day.

In addition, all reasonable expenses are to be reimbursed by the Client. These include assistant's fees ($__(XXX)__ per calendar day); film, processing and/or digital fees of $__(XXX)__ per CD and/or transmission fees; airfare, transportation and rental cars; baggage gratuities and permits; lodging and meals; necessary phone calls, messengers, and shipping; props and rental of special equipment; specialized services; and any other expenses that are clearly identifiable as required to complete this assignment. Copies of receipts will be provided for all expenses except gratuities and "on stock" items such as film and CDs.

Payment is due within 30 days of the date of the invoice. Interest of __(X)__ percent per month, calculated against any unpaid balance after 30 days, will be charged. If there are problems with the Photojournalist's invoice, the Client will call the Photojournalist immediately so the problem can be settled without a delay in payment. Our arrangements will also be subject to the terms and conditions of the Photojournalist's invoice.

As the sole copyright holder of the images produced on this assignment, and upon payment in full of the invoice, the Photojournalist agrees to license the following usage rights to the Client:

One-time, first, North American English language editorial rights, only. The Client may also use any photograph appearing on the cover in advertising and promotion of the publication, but only when it appears in the ad or promotion as part of the complete cover. All other rights are reserved and no advertising and promotional rights are granted for any image other than the one appearing on the cover.

First rights are granted for up to __(60)__ days after submission or __(30)__ days after publication of the images, whichever is sooner. The Client assumes all responsibility for security and accountability of images while they are in the Client's possession. All original submitted images, including those published, must be returned to the Photojournalist within 30 days of publication or within 10 days of the expiration of the first rights, whichever is sooner. The safe and timely return of undamaged images is the Client's responsibility and we strongly recommend using registered and insured means (or personal delivery).

Photographs are to be credited with an adjacent credit line or a byline at the beginning of the article. Cover photographs are to be credited on the table of contents page. The credit is to read:

©¸ 2007 Mark M. Hancock

Failure to provide proper credit is cause for the original fee to be tripled, which represents the value of such credits to the Photojournalist.

The Photojournalist will provide captions. The Photojournalist accepts no liability for the captions as prepared for print by the Client. No model releases exist except as indicated in writing and accompanying the submitted photographs. If required, the Photojournalist will provide < >model releases because it provide superior protection for the interests of the Photojournalist and the Client.

It is a pleasure to be working with you. Your business is appreciated. I can assure the assignment will receive my best efforts and attention. Your needs will be met beyond expectations.


Mark M. Hancock

Please read Use Assignment Confirmation forms for detailed information about this form.
